topdown view of a knitting wellbeing toolkit

Cast Off Toolkit

Programs: Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator

Brief & Challenge

A wellbeing toolkit designed to motivate a user with insomnia and change their habits through knitting.

How do you motivate a user and keep them engaged for over 100 days?

cast off knitting kit daily booklet

A daily knitting booklet

The main feature of the toolkit is a booklet full of knitting patterns, for the user to complete daily, a few hours before bed.

cast off knitting kit booklet spread
cast off knitting kit booklet spread
cast off knitting kit booklet spread

Ease of Use

rectangles showing level progression
Progression of the booklet

The booklet starts with very simple knitting squares, for the user to learn basic patterns. As she progresses, she learns more difficult pieces, feeling more accomplished.

The simple start encourages the user straight away, making them less likely to quit early on.

user profile of a British-Pakistani woman showing her lifestyle and personality
User persona profile & main life touchpoints

Defining the User

moodboard of visuals from sleep, fitness and mentalh heath apps
Market research into apps

My user persona, Tahira Khan, leads a busy yet sedentary lifestyle and struggles with insomnia and is at risk for obesity.

From this, I looked into various different ways of tackling it, mostly wellbeing apps and how to create something that would keep her off her phone.

digital sketches of sleep, exercise and knitting toolkit ideas
Initial concepts to help my user


To target different aspects of the users struggles, I decided on three final routes. A sleep kit, where she could reflect on her day and relax. A fitness scratch-off calendar with different activities to do each day. Finally, a knitting kit, where she would knit every night before bed, keep her off her phone.

knitting wellbeing toolkit open box
The full toolkit, open box view
cards and box next to each other
Cards to keep the user motivated during setbacks
rolls of yarn
A simplified version of the booklet to share with friends
black logotype against brown cardboard
circle image against brown cardboard